Health Implications of A Vegan Diet

In our previous post, we covered the environmental impact of our diets and the dangers to our world. We also explored why the vegan diet was the most sustainable. But that begs the question, which diet is the healthiest? This age-old dilemma still holds today, though in many ways there seems to be a clear winner emerging. A vegan or at least predominantly plant-based diet has been taking the lead in the battle of diets. Over the last twenty years, both research and social momentum have begun to propel it into mass awareness and the mainstream. No longer relegated to hippies and environmental activists, the vegan diet has exploded in popularity over the last decade. The latest research shows that there are over 9.6 million vegans in the United States as of 2020 accounting for 3% of the overall population and is rapidly growing [1-3]. This is nearly a 3300% increase from 2004 where there were only 290,000 vegans in the United States. Surveys also show that 40% of people across North America are trying to include more vegan foods in their diet and over 60% of American’s ate more plant-based during the COVID-19 pandemic [4]. This trend has been accompanied by a greater awareness of the environmental implications of our diets, the increased availability of plant-based meats and vegan alternatives at grocery stores and restaurants, the popularization of veganism in movies like The Game Changers, and support from prominent influencers and celebrities. Furthermore, the vegan diet has been backed by an abundance of science showing evidence of significant health benefits from the vegan diet.
Caption: This map shows the concentration of vegans in the United States with the greenest states indicating the highest amounts and the reddest indicating the lowest amounts. Picture credits: citation 1
There are certain nutrients that anyone on a plant-based diet must be aware of which we will cover in a subsequent blog post. For this post, we will cover the health implications and benefits of a vegan diet and the research behind it. For anyone who is new to the topic, a vegan diet is one that does not include products of animal origin. This includes but is not limited to meat, all forms of dairy, eggs, fish, and even things we do not normally consider like honey and sucrose (yes, conventional processed sugar is processed through bone char, which is cattle bones that are heated to 700 degrees Celsius producing a granular substance used in the filtration process of making table sugar) [5]. What does a vegan diet include? Pretty much anything except for those items previously listed: Fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, nuts as well as the many things that can be made from these various ingredients such as plant-based meats, vegan cheeses, vegan burgers, vegan milk, vegan yogurts, and more. Then what are the benefits of a plant-based diet for your health? While the benefits are numerous, we will cover some of the biggest ones here.
First and foremost, despite conventional myths, a plant-based diet provides higher levels of crucial nutrients linked to good health and longevity such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, folate, magnesium, potassium, and polyphenols [6-9]. This provides a range of benefits for your overall health. Higher fiber intakes are associated with lower rates of colon and breast cancers and healthier weight maintenance [10-12]. Antioxidants protect your body from free radical damage from toxins, heavy metals, and environmental toxicities. Polyphenols are fuel for your gut bacteria as well as vital antioxidant producing compounds that nourish your gut and skin health that have been associated with longevity [13].
Another major upside of vegan diets is weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. A vegan diet is one of the most effective diets for weight loss as has been confirmed in multiple randomized controlled trials, the gold standard for research studies [14-19]. Amazingly, the research shows that vegan diets were even more effective for weight loss than calorie-restricted diets even though those on vegan diets were able to eat until they were full [20-21]. Vegans also have lower body mass indexes on average relative to non-vegans. There are several reasons for the weight loss power of vegan diets. First, as mentioned previously, the abundance of fiber in a plant-based diet helps promote satiety (a feeling of fullness) which prevents excess calorie consumption and helps maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, removing animal products removes excess growth factors that are present in dairy such as IGF-1 which promotes weight gain and accelerates the process of aging [22]. Lastly, plant-based foods are more nourishing to the body and allow you to get the nourishment you need from less.
One of the biggest benefits of a vegan diet is the ability to drastically reduce your risk of the number one cause of death in the US – heart disease, as well as the risk factors that cause it: hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol. Vegan diets improve many of the risk factors that culminate in deadly disease. A vegan diet is associated with a 75% reduced risk of hypertension and up to a 78% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes [23-26]. Even more impressive, a study showed that a vegan diet created a greater improvement in blood sugar levels in diabetics than diets from the American Diabetes Association [26]. Vegan diets do not include any animal products, and therefore do not contain any dietary cholesterol which is why it is no surprise that they have been shown to also be very effective at reducing LDL and total cholesterol levels compared to other diets [26-27]. Overall, vegans enjoy a 42% decreased risk of mortality from heart disease according to some studies [23].
Lastly, vegan diets can help you live the longest and healthiest life. A study performed on 73,308 participants in the 7th-day Adventist community showed that those who ate a vegan diet had lower all-cause mortality than both non-vegetarians and vegetarians [28]. While the vegetarians did have lower mortality than the non-vegetarians, the vegans had even further reduced mortality rates. The potential reasons for this are manyfold. Higher intakes of antioxidants, polyphenols, and nutrients may play a role. Reduced mortality for heart disease and other associated comorbidities such as Alzheimer’s disease also increases the average vegan’s lifespan. Other speculative causes include reduced growth factors, reduced exposure to processed meats and toxic advanced glycation end products, improved mitochondrial function, decreased inflammation, and more.
While these are only some of the many benefits of vegan diets that have been explored, what they reveal is eye-opening. Whether it is improving heart health, losing weight, living longer, getting more nutrition, or simply feeling better every day, you can benefit by including more plant-based foods in your diet. In the next blog post, we will explore myths and truths behind specific nutrients to pay attention to when creating a well-rounded vegan diet.
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This is such a great article. Very eye-opening. Thank you for sharing.
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